Using a dictionary attack to crack common passwords stored in the form of MD5 and SHA-256 hashes.
# Enter the database
sqlite3 file:users.db?mode=ro
# Get the account passwords (MD5)
.mode csv
.output passwords.txt
SELECT password FROM users;
# Get the wallet pins (SHA-256)
.output pins.txt
SELECT pin FROM wallets;
# Back to console
# Examine the hashes
# MD5 SHA-256
cat passwords.txt pins.txt
# Use Hashcat to crack passwords
# (with common.txt as the dictionary)
hashcat -a 0 -m 0 -o "$(pwd)/passwords-cracked.txt" "$(pwd)/passwords.txt" "$(pwd)/common.txt"
# Repeat for wallet pins
hashcat -a 0 -m 1400 -o "$(pwd)/pins-cracked.txt" "$(pwd)/pins.txt" "$(pwd)/common.txt"
# Get the cracked strings
cat passwords-cracked.txt pins-cracked.txt | cut -d: -f2